Should I Start a Blog?

So obviously only you can answer this question. I felt drawn to write on this simply because I have a feeling that many of you have also pondered this question in your heart. It’s funny how “starting a blog” seems like such a commitment. “What will I write about?”, “How will I come up with new ideas?” ,“Will people even care?” If you haven’t thought these thoughts then you’re amazing, but I know for a fact that I have. It’s hard not to. 

What I’ve found important is remembering that it actually doesn’t matter if it “gains traction.” The people who will read your blog (even if it’s an audience of 1) will receive what they need to receive from it. God will use your desire and make good out of it. It’s an added bonus if people notice you but if that’s your goal right out of the gate, then you most likely will not create a genuine following. It’s okay to dream about it, but it can’t be your end all, be all goal. 

Blogs are great when they are paired with something. This is because the more ways you are presenting your content, the better. If you have an online store, dedicate yourself to writing one blog a month. If you offer a service, write about different customer experiences. Honestly, the choice is yours on the subject matter. Remember though that it does pair great if you are  already running a business of sorts. 

To start a stand alone blog is also awesome. What I have loved about writing is the freedom I feel by throwing my thoughts down. There is something so therapeutic about it. It pushes me out of my comfort zone all the while showing me that I can do it. If you have a tug on your heart to share your thoughts, then absolutely start a blog! And remember that you decide the cadence. There’s no “one way” to do this. If you only want to post twice a week then awesome! If you are ambitious and want to post three times a week, then be my guest. 

Lastly, what I have found awesome about blogging is the help it has given me to be in front of the camera. Blogging almost feels like training wheels. If you’re being open and honest in what you write, then you’re getting practice in that arena and it will be so much easier to be open and honest for the camera. 

The coolest thing about a blog is the sharing of your thoughts. God can use that and it’s so beautiful to witness. It helps not only your personal growth, but also the growth of others. Remember though, that blogging should be FUN. It isn’t supposed to be stressful. As soon as that starts happening you need to have a reality check with yourself. I guess I want to leave you with the encouragement that you CAN do it if it has been on your heart. To just start writing is half the battle. God will give you the ideas, and He will keep you motivated if you let Him into your process. 

Love, LHC


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