Burnout…But is it really?
Hi my friends, this post is coming from a place of complete truth and openness. I am absolutely burnt-out, but I almost feel as though this burnout is different than others I’ve had in the past. Do you ever get that feeling?
I’m reading the book, Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer, and boy is it enlightening. It talks a lot about how we tend to blame the wrong thing/person/situation for our unhappiness and frustration, when really we should more than likely blame the devil. What is shared in this book are the tools and techniques to actually pray in a way that protects yourself from the devil’s attacks, and boy don’t we all need that protection?
I think in the past, I’ve called my lack of focus, inability to do work, no motivation, etc. to burn out, but I think it’s more than that. Since starting LHC and after the initial excitement, I have felt a steady decline in motivation...which is sad to admit. I’ve begun thinking thoughts of, “why am I even doing this?” “what’s the point of all of this?”, “I’m not really being called to this”, and all of the other negative thoughts you can think of. I mean first of all, let’s talk about how sad this is. Have you begun thinking about these things? If yes, then I’m here to say, “I am absolutely here with you through it.” It’s even hard for me to stay focused enough to write this, but I’m pushing through because I believe this message is that important.
I think we attribute our frustrations to burnout when we really should dig a little deeper and look at what you’re feeling burnt out on. In the book, Priscilla also talks on how the devil likes to dampen our passions, dampen our dreams, dampen our identity, and dampen our focus. Wow. He hates it when we hear the calling of God and begin to pursue it. He will do anything to get us off track especially if it has to do with a project you feel God has called you to.
I’m here to remind all of us, including myself, to keep doing it. Keep pressing in and pray to St. Michael for protection. Pray to Jesus to give you the confidence, courage, perseverance, focus, etc. to keep listening in and doing the actions that accomplish the calling on your life. It is so darn hard to press in when you are feeling the way I feel now. It feels like you're trudging through just about every moment of every day, but there is hope. God is good and He sees you being faithful and vigilant and He is ready to swoop in. Keep up the good fight and keep protecting yourself against the terrible thoughts that seep in. You are worthy, you are making a difference, and you are called to this. Don’t forget it.
My suggestion to you is pinpoint the exact actions you feel burnt-out on, and make a game plan to attack these tasks. Make it fun for yourself, give yourself a reward, and pray for God’s guidance.
Be real with God. Be exact and truthful of your feelings and let Him know you are giving it all to Him.
Don’t forget to lean on others and recognize where you might need to be filled up. The devil hates it when we take care of ourselves because it makes us that much stronger and more potent in accomplishing God’s calling.
We are all here for one another and if you have made it to the end of this blog, thank you. Thank you for listening to me ramble/give myself a pep talk to keep going.
Molly with Loreto house Creative