Just Go for It
The idea for this blog comes from my amazing mama! She is a rockstar herself and this topic came up while working out together! We always have the best convos and I highly recommend finding a hobby for you and your mom to bond over. It’s been so great for us and give it a 10/10. So now to the topic…
Just go for it. Seriously, what are you waiting for? I know my IG videos and reels look like a hot ole mess but I like it that way. We can come up with so many excuses that stop us in our tracks before we even start what we thought was God’s plan for us. How sad is that? Things like nerves, not feeling like you look the best, not sure if you have the right gear, or if anyone really cares what you share, all of these things are lies. The best advice I can give is: just go for it.
Don’t overthink your ideas. If you have an idea, just do it. It doesn’t matter the traction or the following gains or whatever you are “hoping” to get out of it. The people meant to see it will see it and that’s what matters. So many things can become supposed obstacles but honestly, they are just your own excuses because you’re most likely nervous of something you shouldn’t be nervous about.
I know for me, I am absolutely nervous about what people think of me. That’s why God has pushed me out of my comfort zone because clearly I needed a reality check. Who cares what people think! If you have a calling, then go for it.
This is why my videos look like a hot mess and why I have typos out of the wazoo. I feel as though there is more to learn from the mess than from the seemingly perfect. If I took time to get ready and have the perfect hair, makeup and lighting for a video, I would never get it posted. I would be overthinking to no end and then I would most likely be frustrated with the way I look. Challenge yourself to let go of others' opinions. The real victory is you actually doing it, not so much the attention.
Remember that consistency is actually key. This is another reason why I push myself to just go and post. Consistency wins the game, not having the perfect content. There are so many reasons to just put your content out there, but the one that stands out is the idea of more bang for your time. The less you spend worrying about others opinions and getting it “just right”, logically you’ll have more time to do other things.
I will get off my soap box soon, but I challenge you to be yourself and post because you want to and to not talk yourself out of it because circumstances aren’t “perfect”. Remember that it really doesn’t matter what people think...if you feel called to do this, then that should be enough reason to move forward boldly!