Filling the Void

I’m reading the book, “Sick of Me” by Whitney Capps, so thank you Whitney for the topic of this blog. I think the idea of a void in our life is so true for all of us here because all of us have pressed into an idea or dream that God has graced us with. This dream or idea has in fact “filled a void” in our lives that before seemed empty and needed filling. Thank God for prayer and discernment since because of it, the voids and empty spaces in our lives are filled with something that is good and wholesome. But what happens when even a good idea that is filling a void, can turn into a not-so-good thing? Maybe I’m just speaking from personal experience so if that is the case, thank you for bearing with me on my rant.

I think the major learning point here is understanding why you are filling the void in your life. For example, I know my corporate job is not my end all - be all. I crave authentic relationships with holy women but also know that my passions and dreams reside in helping others be successful in the work they do. This is where I felt called and led to start Loreto House Creative. What is even more interesting is how there are times, more than I care to admit, where LHC is not truly filling that place in my heart where I thought it would fill me with life and joy. Why is that? For a while, I’ve wondered this because I know this idea came from God and I know it is wholesome and good. But for reasons previously unknown to me, I didn’t understand why it wasn’t “filling me up” as I thought it would. I mean this idea came to me in prayer, why wouldn’t it be exactly what God wants and why wouldn’t it fill the void in my heart? 

The only reason I can conclude is that: the voids in each of our hearts can only be filled up by God and His Love. Nothing else. The dreams and desires he places on your heart have to point back to Him and only Him. When these dreams lose their shininess, it’s most likely because they have drifted away from the creator. When motivation is lacking and you wonder “why am I even doing this”, it’s probably because God is nudging you back to His heart and arms. Thank God for these feelings! 

The sooner we can realize that the areas of our hearts that never seem to truly be filled up, can only be fulfilled by God, the sooner we can at least be more comfortable with the void. Not saying it is easy, by any means. But if you get into the habit of recognizing when the void creeps in, you can learn to be quick to turn back to God and have Him get you back on track. 

The best part about this is how you will have infinite opportunities to turn to Him. It really is a blessing to constantly be reminded of our need for Him and His love, even though in the quiet moments, it doesn’t always seem like a blessing...but it is. 

Message me and let me know how you are doing and if you have experienced, or are currently experiencing these feelings. We are all here for each other and willing to help in any way we can. 


Molly Finch


New Year, Not so New Me


Burnout…But is it really?