The Magic of Batching your Work Tasks

How to manage the list of random business tasks that take up time, but are necessary to your business’s growth

Something that I’ve noticed with running my own business and the business of others, is that time it takes to edit things. Things like posts, pictures, videos, you name it! It takes time. And not just a little time, but a lot of time because technology glitches are always a possibility. Sadly, editing is a necessary evil to get your stuff out there and visible to the public. However, it is a precarious balance between time managing your editing and the income producing activities for your business 

A simple solution would be to outsource your activities to a virtual assistance or something similar, but unfortunately, spending money on this isn’t the best use, nor is it attainable. Now, more power to you if you have some extra cash to spend it on a virtual assistant. If this is you, I would suggest it because you do want to be spending time doing tasks that grow your business versus tasks that are time sucks. 

But, I would imagine the above scenario isn’t the majority of all of us. So we need to think creatively on how to manage our editing time, and make it work in our favor versus just being a major time suck. 

This is where batching my tasks has been a life savor… it just takes some time to get in the groove as well as mentally being prepared to focus. But it is worth the dedication. Here are three ideas I’ve compiled as I’ve journeyed down the road of building a business and completing the necessary tedious, time-consuming, tasks that are necessary but challenging to manage. 

  1. Pick a day and a few hours to dedicate a specific task to. {AKA doing something in batches}

    • If it’s writing, then spend 3 hours writing on different topics. If it’s video’s promoting your products, then spend 3 hours cranking out video after video. Do you see where I’m going with this? This can be done multiple times during the week, but set aside time for one task and crank out A LOT of iterations of that task. Try your hardest to focus only on that one thing and don’t move to do anything else until after you have completed a certain amount of the task. Set these goals that way you can feel accomplished and see the progress you made and utilize your time very efficiently.

    • Try using Trello to help you set specific day’s to manage your tasks.

  2. “Templatize” where you can.

    • This is a huge one because it is worth the extra time in the front to create the template because it will be smooth sailing after that. Take time to find the processes that you do on the daily that are repeatable and make a template out of it. Create a process that makes the task easy to flow through and eliminates any extra time doing it. 

    • Check out my 7 Day Social Media Content Kit to help “templatize” your social media efforts!

  3. Simplify your business being that you’re only one person.

    • Take a long, hard look at all that you’ve committed yourself to completing. Is it just too much? What activities are unavoidable vs. what tasks are nice to haves? Take time to really sit and think through those things because I would imagine there are some tasks that you are doing that might have a direct line to your business’s growth or revenue. Exclude those unnecessary tasks FOR NOW. This doesn’t mean you can’t ever pick them back up, it just means that they need to be put on hold for now while you are hashing out the processes and plans for the tasks that do make a difference. 

I hope these small ideas help manage some of those tasks that just take up time and brainpower, but are necessary to your business’ growth. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I would love to hear how batching your tasks has helped your day to day.


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