My Tools to Keep Anxiety away on those Slow Days
The thoughts on my mind…
I’m not sure how your summer has been, but in my humble little life, there have been many slow business days. It’s amazing how the slow days mixed with owning a business lead to feelings of doubt, loneliness, frustration, etc…at least that’s what generally happens to me.
I find it so intriguing because a slow day isn’t very different than any other day, but for some reason it feels “less than” and “not as important” in comparison to a day with a bunch of activities. I’ve been sitting with why that is. I’ve come to realize that for me personally, the Enemy normally has a field day when I have a slow day. It’s like there is a door that’s just wide open for him to come in and play, bringing about feelings of anxiety, loneliness, unworthiness…you name it. On top of that, throw into the mix on a slow day, owning a business and the vulnerability that comes with that. Again, at least for me, those days are the ones the Enemy is just waiting for to come and swoop in.
If you are anything like me, it just feels downright discouraging. We pray and pray and pray and as soon as a slow day comes, the mind wanders to some not so positive places, the evil one comes, and the day just feels like a loss. Yet, slow days SHOULD be days that we notice God’s glory and presence because we have less to-do’s to distract us, but for me that is not the case.
So how do we go about changing this? How do we begin to create mental brick walls that keep the Enemy out and keep us focused on God and our dreams? First piece of advice, remember that you are human and give yourself some grace. If you have started your business and you have given it into the capable hands of God, then the Enemy is going to absolutely be dying for the opportunity to derail that. If you know that, then that’s half the battle and you can incorporate tools to fight against that to keep your business tasks on schedule.
When those thoughts start to creep in, take a step away from work and pray the St. Michael Prayer. You need protection and St. Michael can give that to you. Reach out to a friend or someone who knows how passionate you are about your dreams, ask this person for a quick prayer. Lastly, take note of the situation that those thoughts start to creep in and begin to order your day so that you are not putting yourself in that situation. Don’t give the Enemy even one little chance to creep in.
God is with you on the fast-paced days and on the slow days of your business. He is there in every moment, remember that. He sees the little tasks and is proud of you and your hard work. Don’t let the Enemy rob you of the peace that the Lord gives. But if you find your mind drifting, remember that you are human, but also you can fight off those feelings. The more you fight them, the easier it will get. The easier it will be to stay on task and keep pursuing your business goals and dreams.
We are all here for one another to help each other make our God-Given passions and dreams come true and to give the encouragement that we all sometimes need..especially on those slow days.