Authenticity...But how do you actually convey “authenticity”
This is such a *tricky* topic. We have all heard how important it is to “be your authentic selves”
The rise of social media has gone from just sharing your life via social media to share your life but with filters so that you show people what you want them to see, to sharing with the intent to share your authentic self except HOW do you do that? We have evolved as a society in the way we share on social media and it is downright HARD to know if you’re really sharing who you are and if you’re being “authentic”. Do you know why it is so tricky to know this? It’s because there isn’t any action that you can take to check off the box of authenticity. I know, crazy right? It’s not technically an action at all but a feeling that you are sharing with others...and feelings are sometimes so hard to convey.
But there is one way that helps to become more authentic.
Start with Why - If you start with why you’ve begun your endeavor, your authenticity will shine through everything you share.
We have all heard that it is more important to share your “why” because that helps others know who you are vs just what you want them to do, but it still can be tricky to know how to do it.
Your why helps you stay focused: Without a why your reason for doing what you’re doing becomes increasingly harder to find. And the confusion that you feel inside will ultimately be translated outwardly to those watching and following you. Take time to really hash out the reason why you do what you do. This will help you stay focused and allow your audience to not succumb to confusion.
Your why allows for long-term success: With a solid why foundation, your organization has a much higher chance of success. Organizations that begin promoting who they are by sharing what they do, generally do not have strong “whys”. But organizations that start with the reason for “who” they are and then from that come up with the “how”, their chances of success greatly increase/
Loyalty: With a strong why, loyalty for your organization will shoot through the roof. They will know what you stand for and will back you up no matter what.
As you can see, by focusing on your why, authenticity is naturally flowing out from it. Your why shapes every action you take, every big and small decision which communicates to your audience that you are serious about what you’re doing because you have a higher purpose in doing it all. Authenticity is born out of standing strong in the reason of why you keep doing what you’re doing.
If you take anything away from this, I would love it to be: Take time to hash out your reason for “why” you’re doing what you do every day. Make sure that your reasoning is true and solid. Begin the process of always communicating that externally in one way or another. Authenticity will shine through and this will build loyalty because you will be attracting those that believe in the same ideas and principles as you.
Love, LHC