How can we use our platforms to bring those who have drifted away, back to God through what we are passionate about?

This was a question asked by one of our LHC contributors, Pen without Ceasing [see post 4], and I’m sure this is a question all of us face on the reg. So how do we use our platforms to grow the Kingdom? Here are just a few of my simple thoughts on the matter. 

The first thought that struck me as I pondered this question, was the parable about the talents. (i.e. Matthew 25: 14-30) We all know the parable, so I won’t go into much depth, but just as a refresher, we all know the one servant in the story that buries the money in the ground for fear of his master. He chose to do nothing with what he was given for fear of failure, fear of his master’s comments, fear of what might not happen even if he tried his hardest. We all know how the story ends, and so the takeaway is: God bestows on each one of us a unique set of talents and skills meant to be shared with others. He gives us our passions and dreams because they ultimately build the Kingdom. 

The reason I brought up the parable is simply that it honestly gives us the answer to the question. The answer, at least from my perspective is: Your platform inherently brings others back to God because you are pursuing the passions and desires of your heart that God has placed there. Because of your “yes” to your God-given talents, God is using that for the good of the Church. Your platform is an extension of your “yes”.  

The “how” behind the question, I believe can be answered by the action of authenticity. Be authentically you. Be the person with the dreams and passions God has given you and communicate that through every area and aspect of your platform. Your authenticity will bring other like-minded people to you because they will be drawn to your genuine spirit. Those who have fallen away, but still share the same values as yourself, will find rest in your authenticity. They will find a place where they feel heard and received. The reason this happens so naturally is that you are sharing your gifts. You are shouting from the rooftops your God-bestowed talents. And those like-minded individuals, regardless of their place in their faith journey, will see you and identify with you. 

Now again, these are only my thoughts on the matter, please share what your ideas/thoughts/comments are because from just one other person sharing, we can all learn something new. 

At the end of the day, I believe that by just being you and pursuing your God-given gifts, people will have no choice but to flock to you.


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