Today is for the Lord
Mark 12:1-12
"Then he leased it to tenant farmers and left on a journey."
This parable from Mark's Gospel about the tenant farmers, the owner coming at a specific time to obtain some of the farm's produce, and the tenants' treatment of the owner's Son brings to mind the ways I may be selfish toward the Lord. Reflecting on the parable, the word that jumped off the page at me was "leased." In retrospect, the word "lease" is a pretty funny word to get hyper-focused on; however, I believe it can lead to a challenging but powerful teaching.
I wrote in my Bible near the word "lease": "This life was never mine to begin with." and "Don't let the comforts of this world distract from my real purpose and mission."
Everything about life is not ours. This life was given only by God and, therefore, should only be given back to Him in praise and adoration. Who am I to dictate when I should give my gifts and talents? Who am I to be concerned when comforts go away? They were never mine from the beginning.
I almost feel that this is a relief. This release of life and everything in it allows the heart to focus more fully on the creator. I don't have to cling so intensely to all my stuff because what is it doing for me anyway? It's more than likely distracting or taking my gaze away from our Lord.
Today, my challenge is to release the comforts, not let them impact my worship, and not let them weigh me down with frustration when something doesn't go how I want. Instead, I will *try* to thank our Lord for whatever today holds, regardless of if it is filled with comforts or inconveniences. Today and every day is for the Lord, and nothing we have in this life should ever distract us from that.