Is social media for your catholic business really necessary? 3 ways to utilize it the correct way.
Please raise your hand if you sometimes wonder, “why do I even have a social media account for my business?” I know that I go back and forth on the matter. This is mainly because social media feels like a burden vs something fun and enjoyable. It feels like a chore vs an exciting avenue to get my business out there.
As I have sat with this, the first prompting which came to me was the realization that
Social media is meant to be used on your buyer's journey vs. the point of sale.
What do I mean by this? I mean - stop giving social media the function of “making sales” and think of it more as an “add on” to the journey of moving followers to customers. By removing this “pressure” on your account and on yourself, a whole new world of social media opens up. It starts to become fun again, because it is not being used in a way that it was never intended to be used for.
Stop assigning a sales function to social media that it does not inherently have
Now I know this is a harder mind-shift than a quick, “yep! Sounds good to me.” But trust me when I say that by releasing this function from your account, you will find greater peace in your social media endeavors.
So the big question is…
What is a business social media intended to be used for?
Here are three ways to use social media for your catholic business that will leave you feeling peaceful and actually excited to get back on social media.
Meet your followers
What do I mean by this? Get to know them! Get to know the people behind the accounts. Share real life scenarios to create intentional conversation. You never know what those relationships could blossom into.
Educate your followers
Instead of sharing that you “have” a product/service to offer. Transition your posts to share the “why” behind your reason for doing this in the first place. Teach your followers on benefits of your product/service and speak to possible pain points that they might be encountering. This makes you more real to them and builds trust.
Engage with your followers
Ask questions. Whether the questions are thought provoking or just for fun. Share the interaction with your stories. This not only helps you learn who your followers are at a deeper level, but you can become more confident that your product/service will be of help and use to them.
I hope that you feel a little more confident in stepping away from “selling” on social media and using it as a conduit to build relationships that will in turn build trust… aka leading to life-long customers.
If you have trouble (and believe me I do ALL THE TIME) writing and thinking of the perfect way to meet, educate, and engage with your audience, check out my Social Engagement Kit! It is perfect in giving the roadmap for a Catholic-inspired business social strategy. Check it out now.