Do you ever feel like there is something more?

Hello Friends, 


I’m writing this today because it has been on my heart during prayer, and it seemed only fitting to see who else is feeling the same way! There has got to be more, right? Does anyone else feel as though they KNOW without a shadow of doubt that God is calling you to more, but you can’t seem to place your finger on it?  Or is that just me? 


I would guess that it is not just me that might have feelings of “more”, and praise God for that! Now to dig into what those “feelings” are really all about. As I sit with and pray with this idea, some different areas of question arise that have helped me target ways to actually make progress in discovering this “more”.


1.     I find that these feelings tend to be pretty broad, right? One thing that I have found that helps me is to be specific with God in asking, “why am I feeling this?” and ask for specificity in the areas that might give clarity on the “more”. My biggest takeaway is being specific with God, He will always show up.

2.     Discern areas where there is genuine lack. I know for me, it is always based on associating my worth with my work. I know this is an area of true lack where I need to bring this also to prayer. Most of the time, my desire for “more” stems from this area of lack, which at least helps me identify that, “okay, yes! This is where these feelings are stemming from.”

3.     If you find the area of lack, then this is perfect to bring into prayer. If you are having feelings of “there has got to be more” in this area of lack, my next question to ponder would be, “what areas am I too afraid to move in and not letting God be God.” Hello! This is HUGE. So many times, at least for me, the feeling of “there is something more” which is usually paired with an area of “lack” is made more clear by doing the thing I’m most afraid of AND LETTING GOD BE GOD. 

4.     For me, once I identify the areas that I’m genuinely afraid of taking action for whatever reason, (be that judgement from others, lack of knowledge, nerves, etc.) , I have to ask myself, “WHY?”. Why am I afraid? Because if I’m letting fear dictate, then I clearly don’t believe that God is who He says He is, right? Isn’t it crazy that God nudges us with these feelings of “more” to help us identify the areas of lack in our lives, and ultimately the areas where we are afraid and holding back. Pray into this and ask St. Michael to protect your efforts as you move forward. 

5.     Consistency creates confidence. But think about it? The more you do it, the more confident you become, right? What is it that you are not doing, because of fear but YOU KNOW there is something more? Write it down. Put it everywhere to remind yourself to do that one thing. Again, ask St. Michael to help you and protect you as you endeavor on this one thing. He won’t disappoint. 


These are just the ways I discern that “more” feeling, but you might do it completely different! And that’s okay! God shows up in the way that is personal to you. Just know that God is always pushing us to be more of who He created us to be and most of the time, it’s because of our own fear that is stopping us from becoming more of the person God had in mind when He created you. Don’t ever forget that. Those little nudges are SOMETHING. Take them seriously because God is telling you something. Until next time my friends, remember that it is worth it and we are all here to encourage one another on as we build our businesses and grow as children of God.  


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