Being Personal on Social…But not too personal: 3 Simple Tips
In a world where social media has converted all of our personal lives into day-to-day show and tell, I feel it is important to address the “how” behind sharing the personal side of things in your business without over-sharing.
If you see other creators and feel instantly frustrated that you “just don’t want to share THAT much” of your personal life - I get it. It’s so hard to balance this tightrope of knowing and understanding the value of sharing the personal side of everything, but also desire to keep your life sacred and sharing it with only those you are closest with.
I will say that it is important to share the personal side of things because it does help your audience see who you are, know you, like you, and trust you. Each of these points are important and valuable in the growth of your business and in attracting your ideal customer. However, I do believe there is a way to share the personal side of things without it feeling like it is an infringement on your daily life.
Share the personal side of your daily business life. This is a fine distinction, but one I feel is doable. Share the inner workings of your day-to-day when it comes to your business. Not necessarily when it comes to your kids or family. Share your office space, what you’re working on for the day, pics of the drinks that are giving you life, etc. This helps you dip your toes into sharing more personal without feeling like your life is on a TV screen
Share personal reflections. I love this because if you do feel led to share something the Lord has placed on your heart, you are more than likely going to bring others closer to the Lord. Again, only share scriptures that you feel 100% called to share vs reflections that are private and only meant for you and the Lord. Discern this before sharing - the Lord will make it clear if it is meant to be shared publicly or kept private.
Share daily actions that have stories attached to them. What do I mean by this? I’m referring to those instances where you are driving and you notice something funny, or you get some really great food at a restaurant. I feel like these instances are personal but again, not family related. It allows your audience to see you as you operate in daily life but you’re keeping your family and instances like “watching tv with your husband” sacred.
As I close out on this, I think it’s important to note that everyone is different in what they feel comfortable in sharing. You may be more open on social - great! You also might be someone that is trying to find the balance between sharing but not feeling called to share EVERYTHING - also great! Let the Lord lead you in this. You can have a thriving business both ways.
Check out my free download, Who’s Your Catholic Target Market, to have a clearer understanding of who your business is sharing to and who you are writing your personal stories to. Check it out here!
I pray this gives you more confidence and guidance on how to share on social and I pray for the Spirit to lead all of our actions and decisions so that our posts will always lead others to Christ and His Heart.